Physical Therapy for Migraine

Physical therapist working on neck trigger point

When traditional migraine treatments aren’t effective enough on their own, combining them with alternative options, such as physical therapy, may help. According to research, physical therapy can help reduce the impact and disability of migraine disease and improve strength, endurance, and mobility. In addition to medications and medical devices for migraine, patients may benefit from…

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Light Therapy for Migraine

Though light sensitivity is often a migraine symptom, light therapy is an emerging treatment option for those with migraine and chronic pain. Research shows light exposure to be a safe, effective treatment that reduces the frequency, severity, and symptoms of migraine attacks. It comes with a very low risk of side effects and no risk…

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Vision Therapy for Migraine

eye glasses being held over an eye chart

Have you ever wondered if treating your vision could help with the frequency and severity of migraine attacks? As a long-time glasses wearer, this is something I’ve often thought about. Like most people, I see an ophthalmologist regularly. At my appointment each year I tell my doctor about my migraine, eye fatigue, and visual aura…

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The Privilege Of Being Able-Bodied: Life With Migraine

A change in my healthcare plan suddenly made me aware of the privilege of being able-bodied! I work in people management, and have for the last half-decade of my life. I’ve always been big on communication and leading with empathy. Traits that, in my opinion, are invaluable to any role where you work with other…

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Three Things to Know About Going to Therapy with Migraine

Woman talking to another woman holding a clipboard

Living with migraine, we often spend a lot of time caring for our physical health. We go to doctors’ appointments, take supplements and medications, try physical therapy and exercises, and maintain certain diets. But caring for our mental health is also an important, and yet often overlooked, piece of a well-rounded treatment plan. May is…

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Migraine Comorbidities: Heart Health and Women With Migraine PART 2

The comorbid connection between migraine and cardiovascular disorders has been established for many decades. For example, we know that people who experience migraine with aura are about twice as likely to have an ischemic stroke,[1] and many people with migraine experience palpitations and other cardiovascular symptoms, especially during attacks. To complicate matters, some types of migraine (e.g. hemiplegic) have similar symptoms to a stroke, such as disorientation, vision changes, vertigo, and speech changes.

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Migraine Comorbidities: Cardiovascular Disorders And The Migraine Connection PART 1

The comorbid connection between migraine and cardiovascular disorders has been established for many decades. For example, we know that people who experience migraine with aura are about twice as likely to have an ischemic stroke,[1] and many people with migraine experience palpitations and other cardiovascular symptoms, especially during attacks. To complicate matters, some types of migraine (e.g. hemiplegic) have similar symptoms to a stroke, such as disorientation, vision changes, vertigo, and speech changes.

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Migraine Myths: Migraine Doesn’t Get Worse

Migraine is a complex disease that can severely impact one’s health and overall quality of life. While we know migraine is so much more than just a headache, many people are not aware that migraine can worsen over time, or chronify. Preventing migraine from becoming chronic is not always possible, but there are steps we…

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Migraine Comorbidities: Temporomandibular Disorders

Have you ever experienced facial or jaw pain during your migraine attack? If so, you are definitely not alone. While facial pain can be due to conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, it could also be a temporomandibular disorder that is to blame. In this, the last of our current comorbidities series, we are going to…

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Migraine Comorbidities: Parkinson’s Disease

Migraine is comorbid with Parkinson’s Disease, a central nervous system disorder that affects movement. It is a progressive disease, where symptoms generally begin slowly and worsen over time. Parkinson’s causes a gradual loss of the nerve cells in the brain that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine.[1] The reduction in dopamine causes unintended or uncontrollable movements, such as…

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Is It a Sinus Headache or a Migraine?

Have you ever had a sinus infection and then got a migraine attack? If so, you’re not alone in this. In fact, pain caused by the sinuses and migraine attacks can have very similar symptoms, so much so that it can be hard to know which type of pain you are experiencing. However, identifying the…

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