Images for Social Media

Empowring Patient Voices

Real Voice of Migraine and Migraine Behind the Mask

  1. Please help us raise awareness by sharing these memes on your social media (use the hashtags: #migrainebehindthemask #realvoiceofmigraine)
  2. If you would like to participate in this project for 2025, please email your photos and/or quotes to:
  3. Memes are shared across our social media platforms every day during June (Migraine and Headache Awareness Month)

Real Voice of Migraine Sharable Images

Click an image to see it larger and access social media share the buttons.

Migraine Behind the Mask 2024 Sharable Images

Click an image to see it larger and access social media share the buttons.

Migraine Behind the Mask 2023 Sharable Images

Click an image to see it larger and access social media share the buttons.

Migraine Behind the Mask 2022 Sharable Images

Click an image to see it larger and access social media share the buttons.

Migraine Behind the Mask 2021 Sharable Images

Click an image to see it larger and access social media share the buttons.