Migraine Behind The Mask: Myth, Truth, Action

Abstract artwork showing close up of faces with migraine

Myth – Truth – ACTION! Every year in June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), people with migraine and other headache disorders come together to raise awareness about these debilitating diseases. The 2024 MHAM theme is Myth, Truth, ACTION. For our annual awareness project, Migraine Behind the Mask, members of the Migraine Meanderings community volunteer…

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Men Get Migraine, Too! Let’s Celebrate Dads With Migraine

It’s Father’s Day, and today we want to celebrate all the dads out there. Especially those who have migraine disease, are parenting a child with migraine disease, or maybe both. Migraine is often considered a “women’s disease.” It’s true that women are two to three times more likely than men to have migraine. However, men…

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5 Reasons Why Migraine Meds May Not Work

Mix of medications

This blog is part of our myths and misinformation series, where we separate migraine fact from fiction. This time we are looking at a myth that sadly can inhibit people from getting to the right doctor or getting the treatment they desperately need. Today we are asking, “Is it a migraine if migraine medications don’t…

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Migraine Myth: Migraine is Just a Headache

Woman wearing white shirt laying in bed holding her arm over her eyes to block light

One of the hardest things that people with migraine live with is stigma, and much of that stigma comes from the myth that migraine is “just a headache.” What many people still don’t realize is that migraine is so much more than just a headache. While head pain is often the most notable migraine symptom,…

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Migraine Myths: Migraine Doesn’t Get Worse

Migraine is a complex disease that can severely impact one’s health and overall quality of life. While we know migraine is so much more than just a headache, many people are not aware that migraine can worsen over time, or chronify. Preventing migraine from becoming chronic is not always possible, but there are steps we…

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Migraine Myths – Migraine Can Be Stopped Or Cured By…

Are people always giving you advice on how to manage your migraine attacks? Does any of this advice include old wives’ tale remedies for migraine? A wide variety of old wives’ tales exist about how to relieve or even cure migraine.  Many of us are desperate enough to try almost any treatment – no matter…

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Migraine Myths: People with Migraine are Not Strong

“It’s just a headache – take an aspirin and you’ll feel better,” they say. How many times have you heard this? People living with migraine understand their condition is much more than just a headache. Migraine disease can be debilitating, and impact every aspect of our lives.  Because of frequent and painful migraine attacks, we…

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Migraine Myths: Only Medication Can Help Migraine

Don’t we all wish there was a magic pill that could cure our migraine forever?! Unfortunately, that is just not the case. Migraine is a complex neurological disease that presents itself on a wide spectrum of frequency, severity, symptoms, attack triggers, and responses to treatments. While medication is an important part of any treatment toolbox, it’s…

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