New Blog Series: Exploring Migraine Treatments

While there is currently no cure for migraine, there are many treatment options that can help. People with migraine often experience the most success managing their disease with a toolbox approach. This involves combining multiple different treatment options to create a well-rounded plan that can help you better manage life with migraine. Finding the best…

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Migraine Myths: Only Medication Can Help Migraine

Don’t we all wish there was a magic pill that could cure our migraine forever?! Unfortunately, that is just not the case. Migraine is a complex neurological disease that presents itself on a wide spectrum of frequency, severity, symptoms, attack triggers, and responses to treatments. While medication is an important part of any treatment toolbox, it’s…

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Preventive Care Toolbox

With approximately 40 million people in the US alone living with migraine and a stunning lack of mandatory education on headache disorders in medical schools, many people with migraine remain at a loss how to navigate preventive treatment. Visits to doctors often end up with a “one and done” attitude, not taking into account the importance of a toolbox approach. Between following insurance denials and guidelines for step therapy, and a devastating shortage of certified headache specialists, patients living with this disabling disease often find themselves without adequate and current information. Having a preventive care roadmap can go a long way to help figuring out how to maintain a quality of life that most people take for granted.

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Migraine Symptoms: Brain Fog

Brain fog is another common and often debilitating migraine symptom. Like fatigue, brain fog can occur at any phase of a migraine attack. In the prodrome and aura phases, brain fog can be an early warning sign that an attack is beginning. It can last through the attack stage and continue on through the postdrome phase, lasting for hours or even days. In fact, some people experience varying levels of brain fog all the time. Brain fog is a challenging and invisible migraine symptom.

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Migraine Symptoms: Fatigue

Fatigue is a common and often debilitating symptom that can happen at all stages of a migraine attack. In the prodrome phase, it may signal that an attack is coming and can be a good reminder to listen to your body, to slow down, rest and practice self-care. Fatigue can continue through the aura and attack stages and is often at its worse during the postdrome stage, sometimes lasting for several days. Many people with migraine report feeling tired and low-energy most of the time, regardless of where they fall in an attack cycle. Fatigue is a difficult and invisible symptom that impacts all aspects of life.

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Beyond Medication: Diet and Migraine Management

Maintaining a well-balanced diet is critical to overall health and well-being. For those of us with migraine, what we eat and when is especially important. As is the case with all migraine treatment options, figuring out what to eat and what to avoid can be an ongoing challenge. You may be able to eat something one day, while another day it seems to trigger an attack. While at times frustrating, making dietary changes can help you better manage life with migraine.

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