
Welcome to the Migraine Meanderings blog where we share patient stories as well as information on migraine triggers, symptoms, disease management, treatment options, and much more! Learn more about life with migraine and discover the impact of the patient's voice.

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When Migraine Hurts Can A Positive Attitude Help?

Migraine and other chronic pain conditions take a huge toll on your general well-being. There are days filled with anger, sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness. Some...
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Migraine & Headache Awareness Month: Making a Difference Together

Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), held each June in the U.S., is a vital opportunity for the migraine advocacy community, patients, health care providers,...
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Fatherhood and Migraine

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there! And a big shout out to all the dads who have migraine, are parenting children...
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Migraine Myths: New Medications Have More Side Effects Than Older Ones

One of the most helpful things that has emerged in the past few years as migraine advocacy communities have emerged and grown, is the sharing...
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Migraine Myths: Migraine Doesn’t Get Worse

Migraine is a complex disease that can severely impact one's health and overall quality of life. While we know migraine is so much more than...
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Migraine Myths: My Insurance Determines the Migraine Meds I Can Take

Many people think that they have to take the medications their insurance requires rather than those their doctor prescribes. This is not true, although sometimes...
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Migraine Myths – Migraine Can Be Stopped Or Cured By…

Are people always giving you advice on how to manage your migraine attacks? Does any of this advice include old wives' tale remedies for migraine?...
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Why I Finally Added Self-Care To My Migraine Toolbox

Having lived with migraine for as long as I can remember, certainly from very early childhood, one of the coping mechanisms I learnt early on...
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Why Do I Get Migraine Attacks In The Spring?

Spring is finally here - who's looking forward to longer and warmer days? Many of us with migraine find that springtime can trigger attacks or...
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Weather and Migraine – Are You a Human Barometer?

Are you better at predicting weather than a meteorologist? It goes without saying that migraine is the gift that keeps on giving. Different factors cause...
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Help Raise Awareness – Participate in the Migraine Behind the Mask Project

Can I Be Honest About Migraine? For those who have never lived through a debilitating migraine attack it can be challenging to truly understand everything...
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Migraine Myths: People with Migraine are Not Strong

"It’s just a headache - take an aspirin and you’ll feel better,” they say. How many times have you heard this? People living with migraine...
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