
Welcome to the Migraine Meanderings blog where we share patient stories as well as information on migraine triggers, symptoms, disease management, treatment options, and much more! Learn more about life with migraine and discover the impact of the patient's voice.

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The Real Voice of Migraine

There is no shortage of online migraine information (or misinformation) lately. It seems whenever I check my social media feeds or Google, so-called experts have...
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Migraine and Hair Loss

Losing hair can be a very distressing and scary experience, even though unfortunately it is quite common. In fact, most people will lose hair at...
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Migraine Myth: Migraine is Just a Headache

One of the hardest things that people with migraine live with is stigma, and much of that stigma comes from the myth that migraine is...
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Migraine Myths: Migraine Is (Not) The Same For Everyone

We often hear people say that they didn't realize they had migraine because their "headaches aren't as bad as other people's." Sadly, we also hear...
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Migraine Behind the Mask: Making a Difference Together

What Does Migraine Look Like For You? Every year, Migraine Meanderings asks our migraine community to participate in the Migraine Behind the Mask awareness campaign....
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6 Tips for Heading Back to School with Migraine

It’s that time of year again! Students are heading back to school and it seems parents are scrambling to get their kids ready for the...
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On a Deserted Island with Migraine?

“How can I feel lonely? I have my family around me and it’s my birthday weekend. Our daughter is visiting, who I haven’t seen in...
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Surviving Migraine at the Beach, Amusement Park, and on Overnight Stays

Summertime can be hard on someone living with migraine. The heat, humidity, sunshine and so much more can all trigger a migraine attack. When you...
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What’s In Your Carry-On for Migraine?

Anytime you travel, anxiety and stress follow. Will I have a migraine attack? Will I have the meds I need to treat my attack? What...
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5 Tips to Enjoy Summer as a Parent with Migraine

Summers are tricky. On the one hand, you’ve been looking forward to more time with your children.  On the other hand, you have migraine, and...
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Migraine Myths & Misinformation: People With Migraine Just Need to Push Through

Living with chronic pain can make every day feel like a struggle. Our friends, family and coworkers often don’t understand how much energy is required...
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How Does Migraine Affect Women?

I know a lot of people with migraine disease, and most of them are women. My brother also had migraine, but honestly, he’s one of...
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