Migraine Behind The Mask: Myth, Truth, Action

Abstract artwork showing close up of faces with migraine

Myth – Truth – ACTION! Every year in June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), people with migraine and other headache disorders come together to raise awareness about these debilitating diseases. The 2024 MHAM theme is Myth, Truth, ACTION. For our annual awareness project, Migraine Behind the Mask, members of the Migraine Meanderings community volunteer…

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The Real Voice of Migraine

Real Voice of Migraine artwork

There is no shortage of online migraine information (or misinformation) lately. It seems whenever I check my social media feeds or Google, so-called experts have something to say. For instance, sharing the latest treatment hack, like soaking your feet in hot water to stop an attack! By the way… in case you’re wondering, that doesn’t…

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Migraine Behind the Mask: Making a Difference Together

Abstract artwork showing close up of faces with migraine

What Does Migraine Look Like For You? Every year, Migraine Meanderings asks our migraine community to participate in the Migraine Behind the Mask awareness campaign. This migraine advocacy campaign aims to help people without migraine better understand what life with migraine is like. Migraine is a highly stigmatized disease, and our campaign lets people with…

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Migraine & Headache Awareness Month: Making a Difference Together

Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), held each June in the U.S., is a vital opportunity for the migraine advocacy community, patients, health care providers, and pharmaceutical companies to make a difference together. It is incredibly encouraging each year to see organizations and individuals pull together both by creating materials and helping share them, and…

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