Finding Answers: Taking Control of Chronic Migraine  

Managing migraine day-to-day requires constant effort, no matter how long you’ve lived with migraine disease. People with chronic migraine – defined as a minimum of 15  migraine/headache days per month – may find this especially challenging. Not everyone has access to a certified migraine specialist. Very few people with chronic migraine receive a proper diagnosis and…

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Managing Migraine at Work: Strategies for Success

Woman sitting at desk in office with migraine

According to the American Headache Society, nearly 113 million workdays are lost each year due to migraine. The work environment can be full of migraine triggers that we cannot control. So what is the best way to manage migraine at work? Identify Migraine Triggers at Work The first step in preventing and/or reducing migraine at…

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Migraine Behind the Mask: Making a Difference Together

Abstract artwork showing close up of faces with migraine

What Does Migraine Look Like For You? Every year, Migraine Meanderings asks our migraine community to participate in the Migraine Behind the Mask awareness campaign. This migraine advocacy campaign aims to help people without migraine better understand what life with migraine is like. Migraine is a highly stigmatized disease, and our campaign lets people with…

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Migraine Comorbidities: Temporomandibular Disorders

Have you ever experienced facial or jaw pain during your migraine attack? If so, you are definitely not alone. While facial pain can be due to conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, it could also be a temporomandibular disorder that is to blame. In this, the last of our current comorbidities series, we are going to…

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Migraine Myths: Only Medication Can Help Migraine

Don’t we all wish there was a magic pill that could cure our migraine forever?! Unfortunately, that is just not the case. Migraine is a complex neurological disease that presents itself on a wide spectrum of frequency, severity, symptoms, attack triggers, and responses to treatments. While medication is an important part of any treatment toolbox, it’s…

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Is It a Sinus Headache or a Migraine?

Have you ever had a sinus infection and then got a migraine attack? If so, you’re not alone in this. In fact, pain caused by the sinuses and migraine attacks can have very similar symptoms, so much so that it can be hard to know which type of pain you are experiencing. However, identifying the…

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Migraine Symptoms: Central Autonomic Parasympathetic Symptoms

Many people with migraine experience central autonomic parasympathetic symptoms. This
unique set of symptoms are rarely recognized as being part of migraine, which often leads to
misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatments. Though these symptoms are underrecognized, they
are actually fairly prevalent, and learning to recognize them may help guide diagnosis, provide
insight into treatment options, and help us understand the overarching burden of migraine

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Ten More Primary Headache Diagnoses

Did you know there are 10 more primary headache diagnoses outside the categories of migraine, tension and trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia? While these are lesser known, they have diagnostic significance. Understanding your diagnosis can help you target your treatment. Some require excluding other causes before making the diagnosis. This blog will sort through what sets these apart.

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Occipital Neuralgia and Facial Pain

While trigeminal neuralgia is the most common of the facial pain diagnoses, there are others that cause facial pain. Understanding the various pain sensations and how they arise can help patients have better conversations with healthcare providers and look at different treatment options to best address the symptoms. Of the conditions explored in this blog, occipital neuralgia is the most prevalent, which stems from a spinal nerve but causes pain to be experienced in the head.

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Trigeminal Neuralgia & Facial Pain

A Complex and Acutely Painful Condition Trigeminal neuralgia, while a rare disorder, is one of the more commonly heard of facial pain disorders. In 2021, “The Good Doctor” and “Chicago Med” both featured a patient with what is nicknamed “the suicide disease.” In both cases, they had successful microvascular decompression surgery performed leaving many to…

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