5 Tips to Enjoy Summer as a Parent with Migraine

Woman with blonde hair sitting on sofa holding her head with her hands while two young blonde children jump next to her

Summers are tricky. On the one hand, you’ve been looking forward to more time with your children.  On the other hand, you have migraine, and the thought of all that time with kids during migraine attacks is daunting. These conflicting feelings can be a lot, but know that you are not alone. So many parents…

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How Does Migraine Affect Women?

I know a lot of people with migraine disease, and most of them are women. My brother also had migraine, but honestly, he’s one of the few men I knew with the condition. It turns out that migraine is the single most disabling disease worldwide for women under the age of 49. Why does migraine…

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Migraine & Headache Awareness Month: Making a Difference Together

Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (MHAM), held each June in the U.S., is a vital opportunity for the migraine advocacy community, patients, health care providers, and pharmaceutical companies to make a difference together. It is incredibly encouraging each year to see organizations and individuals pull together both by creating materials and helping share them, and…

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Migraine Myths: Migraine Doesn’t Get Worse

Migraine is a complex disease that can severely impact one’s health and overall quality of life. While we know migraine is so much more than just a headache, many people are not aware that migraine can worsen over time, or chronify. Preventing migraine from becoming chronic is not always possible, but there are steps we…

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Why I Finally Added Self-Care To My Migraine Toolbox

Having lived with migraine for as long as I can remember, certainly from very early childhood, one of the coping mechanisms I learnt early on was to push through. For many of us with migraine, or in fact any other chronic disease, “pushing through” often becomes a way of life. However, one of the things…

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Why Do I Get Migraine Attacks In The Spring?

Spring is finally here – who’s looking forward to longer and warmer days? Many of us with migraine find that springtime can trigger attacks or worsen migraine symptoms. The changes in weather, fresh flower blooms and pollen, and spring cleaning can all contribute to migraine. Below are the spring triggers to look out for, and…

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Weather and Migraine – Are You a Human Barometer?

Are you better at predicting weather than a meteorologist? It goes without saying that migraine is the gift that keeps on giving. Different factors cause different headaches and changes in pressure have an impact. The migraine brain is sensitive to changes – and the response to change is generally a migraine attack. Weather Impacts the…

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