Migraine as a Coworker

Man at work holding his head while papers swirl around him

Having migraine as a coworker can be challenging. None of us are strangers to calling out of work for one reason or another. Whether this was a more frequent occurrence at some of our first low-level jobs, or out of necessity at our current job, it’s something we’ve all experienced at some point. For those…

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Two Tips for Migraine in 2024

A picture of a white bag with a tag that reads "2024" with a green plant stem behind it.

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Many of us will resolve to achieve all kinds of goals in 2024, including managing migraine attacks more effectively. However, it’s important to remember that your overall health improvement goals can often be better achieved by taking small, actionable steps. Here are two tips for migraine in 2024…

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New Year’s Resolutions for a Migraine Warrior

How are you going into the New Year with migraine? New Year’s Resolutions for a Migraine Warrior I will mindfully be kind to myself and rest when my body says I need to – even when that means “extreme self-care“! I will mindfully let go of guilt for the things I can’t do, places I…

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Surviving New Year’s Eve With Migraine

new year's eve celebration with champagne glasses

If you’re one of the 42 million people in the United States who struggle with migraine then you likely know how difficult planning around major holidays can be. Debilitating migraine attacks can often get in the way of enjoying time spent with friends and family. This issue can become even more prevalent if you’re part…

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What Are The Best Gifts For People With Migraine?

Hands holding present

What are the best holiday gifts for people with migraine? Every year we ask our migraine community what they would like to find in their migraine holiday gift basket, and here’s what they asked for.  1. Hot & Cold Therapy During a migraine attack, pain can often be soothed by applying heat or ice to…

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Create an Attitude of Gratitude With Migraine

Pumpkins in a basket with candles

With Thanksgiving and the holidays just around the corner, the season of gratitude is underway. For those of us living with chronic illness like migraine, feeling grateful and thankful can sometimes feel like quite a challenge. This is especially true during the busy holiday season. But, keeping gratitude at the top of our minds can…

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Are You a Caregiver For Someone With Migraine?

Woman with her arms on a mans shoulders

November is National Family Caregivers Month Are you a caregiver for someone with migraine? Every November, we take the time to acknowledge those who provide care for their family members living with chronic conditions. We recognize and honor all caregivers during National Family Caregivers Month (NFC Month). It’s also the perfect opportunity to raise awareness…

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5 Reasons Why Migraine Meds May Not Work

Mix of medications

This blog is part of our myths and misinformation series, where we separate migraine fact from fiction. This time we are looking at a myth that sadly can inhibit people from getting to the right doctor or getting the treatment they desperately need. Today we are asking, “Is it a migraine if migraine medications don’t…

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The Real Voice of Migraine

Real Voice of Migraine artwork

There is no shortage of online migraine information (or misinformation) lately. It seems whenever I check my social media feeds or Google, so-called experts have something to say. For instance, sharing the latest treatment hack, like soaking your feet in hot water to stop an attack! By the way… in case you’re wondering, that doesn’t…

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Migraine and Hair Loss

Woman with dark hair holding brush with lots of hair

Losing hair can be a very distressing and scary experience, even though unfortunately it is quite common. In fact, most people will lose hair at some point in their lifetime. Our hair is so often tied to our identities, so it’s natural to feel a range of emotions when we notice it is thinning or…

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Migraine Myth: Migraine is Just a Headache

Woman wearing white shirt laying in bed holding her arm over her eyes to block light

One of the hardest things that people with migraine live with is stigma, and much of that stigma comes from the myth that migraine is “just a headache.” What many people still don’t realize is that migraine is so much more than just a headache. While head pain is often the most notable migraine symptom,…

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