Men Get Migraine, Too! Let’s Celebrate Dads With Migraine

It’s Father’s Day, and today we want to celebrate all the dads out there. Especially those who have migraine disease, are parenting a child with migraine disease, or maybe both. Migraine is often considered a “women’s disease.” It’s true that women are two to three times more likely than men to have migraine. However, men…

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Migraine-Friendly Valentine’s Day Gifts

How to show support for people living with migraine as we celebrate this day of love. Valentine’s Day is almost here, which means it’s time to officially celebrate the ones we love (and ourselves)! Unfortunately, many gifts that are traditionally associated with Valentine’s Day can trigger migraine attacks. With a few easy swaps, you can…

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Two Tips for Migraine in 2024

A picture of a white bag with a tag that reads "2024" with a green plant stem behind it.

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Many of us will resolve to achieve all kinds of goals in 2024, including managing migraine attacks more effectively. However, it’s important to remember that your overall health improvement goals can often be better achieved by taking small, actionable steps. Here are two tips for migraine in 2024…

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New Year’s Resolutions for a Migraine Warrior

How are you going into the New Year with migraine? New Year’s Resolutions for a Migraine Warrior I will mindfully be kind to myself and rest when my body says I need to – even when that means “extreme self-care“! I will mindfully let go of guilt for the things I can’t do, places I…

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Surviving New Year’s Eve With Migraine

new year's eve celebration with champagne glasses

If you’re one of the 42 million people in the United States who struggle with migraine then you likely know how difficult planning around major holidays can be. Debilitating migraine attacks can often get in the way of enjoying time spent with friends and family. This issue can become even more prevalent if you’re part…

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Create an Attitude of Gratitude With Migraine

Pumpkins in a basket with candles

With Thanksgiving and the holidays just around the corner, the season of gratitude is underway. For those of us living with chronic illness like migraine, feeling grateful and thankful can sometimes feel like quite a challenge. This is especially true during the busy holiday season. But, keeping gratitude at the top of our minds can…

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What’s In Your Carry-On for Migraine?

Woman wearing blue jeans and white top walking in airport wearing a backpack and carrying a roller suitcase

Anytime you travel, anxiety and stress follow. Will I have a migraine attack? Will I have the meds I need to treat my attack? What else should I pack in my carry-on? What’s my migraine travel plan? Creating a migraine treatment plan for traveling will decrease your anxiety and help you pack the necessary medications…

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5 Tips to Enjoy Summer as a Parent with Migraine

Woman with blonde hair sitting on sofa holding her head with her hands while two young blonde children jump next to her

Summers are tricky. On the one hand, you’ve been looking forward to more time with your children.  On the other hand, you have migraine, and the thought of all that time with kids during migraine attacks is daunting. These conflicting feelings can be a lot, but know that you are not alone. So many parents…

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Fatherhood and Migraine

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there! And a big shout out to all the dads who have migraine, are parenting children with migraine, or both. Even though women are two to three times more likely than men to have migraine, men also experience migraine attacks that can seriously impact their daily…

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Why Do I Get Migraine Attacks In The Spring?

Spring is finally here – who’s looking forward to longer and warmer days? Many of us with migraine find that springtime can trigger attacks or worsen migraine symptoms. The changes in weather, fresh flower blooms and pollen, and spring cleaning can all contribute to migraine. Below are the spring triggers to look out for, and…

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The Best Gifts for People with Migraine

If you are a last minute kind of person, are you still looking for that perfect gift this holiday season? Are you wondering which migraine-friendly gifts are on your loved one’s wishlist? Or what could you give someone else, like yourself, who lives with migraine? We asked our community members what they would like to…

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