Welcome to the Migraine Meanderings blog where we share patient stories as well as information on migraine triggers, symptoms, disease management, treatment options, and much more! Learn more about life with migraine and discover the impact of the patient's voice.
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An Open Letter to My Doctors
"Please don't give up on me!" I find that thought going round and round in my head every time a doctor's appointment is pending. It's...
Some Migraine Questions May Not Have Easy Answers
Some questions are simply not easy to answer, and it’s strange to me that for some reason this is a cause of stress. I want...
You are MORE than Enough
When Motherhood & Migraine Collide I’ve always loved Mother’s Day – from the time I was a child all the way through to now when...
An Insurmountable Task?
A Mountain Where the Peak is Always Out of Reach The realization that I’m not alone in my migraine journey has been a life-saver for...
Travelling with Migraine – The Perfect Storm?
I was pondering the things in life that so many people take for granted that are just not that simple for someone who lives with...
You Can Do This!
When Tomorrow Looks Bleak Don't Lose Hope One of the biggest challenges we face in living with chronic pain, is fighting the “committee in our...
Migraine Warrior
So many of us who deal with chronic pain struggle to see ourselves in any kind of positive light It is a strange thing that...
There is No Cure for Migraine Disease
Something a surprisingly large number of folks don't know ... ...is that migraine disease is not curable right now! There are only medications that attempt...